Source code for collections_extended.setlists

"""Setlist class definitions."""
import random as random_
from import (

from . import _util

__all__ = ('SetList', 'setlist', 'frozensetlist')

[docs]class SetList(Sequence, Set): """A setlist is an ordered `Collection` of unique elements. `SetList` is the superclass of `setlist` and `frozensetlist`. It is immutable and unhashable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, iterable=None, raise_on_duplicate=False): """Create a setlist, initializing from iterable if present. Args: iterable (Iterable): Values to initialize the setlist with. raise_on_duplicate: Raise a ValueError if any duplicate values are present. """ self._list = list() self._dict = dict() if iterable: if raise_on_duplicate: self._extend(iterable) else: self._update(iterable)
def __repr__(self): if len(self) == 0: return '{0}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__) else: repr_format = '{class_name}({values!r})' return repr_format.format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, values=tuple(self), ) # Convenience methods def _fix_neg_index(self, index): if index < 0: index += len(self) if index < 0: raise IndexError('index is out of range') return index def _fix_end_index(self, index): if index is None: return len(self) else: return self._fix_neg_index(index) def _append(self, value): # Checking value in self will check that value is Hashable if value in self: raise ValueError('Value "%s" already present' % str(value)) else: self._dict[value] = len(self) self._list.append(value) def _extend(self, values): new_values = set() for value in values: if value in new_values: raise ValueError('New values contain duplicates') elif value in self: raise ValueError('New values contain elements already present in self') else: new_values.add(value) for value in values: self._dict[value] = len(self) self._list.append(value) def _add(self, item): if item not in self: self._dict[item] = len(self) self._list.append(item) def _update(self, values): for value in values: if value not in self: self._dict[value] = len(self) self._list.append(value) @classmethod def _from_iterable(cls, it, **kwargs): return cls(it, **kwargs) # Implement Container def __contains__(self, value): return value in self._dict # Iterable we get by inheriting from Sequence # Implement Sized def __len__(self): return len(self._list) # Implement Sequence def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return self._from_iterable(self._list[index]) return self._list[index]
[docs] def count(self, value): """Return the number of occurrences of value in self. This runs in O(1) Args: value: The value to count Returns: int: 1 if the value is in the setlist, otherwise 0 """ if value in self: return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def index(self, value, start=0, end=None): """Return the index of value between start and end. By default, the entire setlist is searched. This runs in O(1) Args: value: The value to find the index of start (int): The index to start searching at (defaults to 0) end (int): The index to stop searching at (defaults to the end of the list) Returns: int: The index of the value Raises: ValueError: If the value is not in the list or outside of start - end IndexError: If start or end are out of range """ try: index = self._dict[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError else: start = self._fix_neg_index(start) end = self._fix_end_index(end) if start <= index < end: return index else: raise ValueError
@classmethod def _check_type(cls, other, operand_name): if not isinstance(other, SetList): message = ( "unsupported operand type(s) for {operand_name}: " "'{self_type}' and '{other_type}'").format( operand_name=operand_name, self_type=cls, other_type=type(other), ) raise TypeError(message) def __add__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '+') out = self.copy() out._extend(other) return out # Implement Set
[docs] def issubset(self, other): """Report whether another set contains this set.""" return self <= other
[docs] def issuperset(self, other): """Report whether this set contains another set.""" return self >= other
[docs] def union(self, other): """Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.) """ out = self.copy() out._update(other) return out
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.) """ other = set(other) return self._from_iterable(item for item in self if item in other)
[docs] def difference(self, other): """Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.) """ other = set(other) return self._from_iterable(item for item in self if item not in other)
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other): """Return the symmetric difference (disjuntive union) of two sets. (i.e. all elements that are in one set but not both.) """ return self.union(other) - self.intersection(other)
def __sub__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '-') return self.difference(other) def __and__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '&') return self.intersection(other) def __or__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '|') return self.union(other) def __xor__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '^') return self.symmetric_difference(other) # Comparison def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SetList): return False if not len(self) == len(other): return False for self_elem, other_elem in zip(self, other): if self_elem != other_elem: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) # New methods
[docs] def sub_index(self, sub, start=0, end=None): """Return the index of a subsequence. This runs in O(len(sub)) Args: sub (Sequence): An Iterable to search for start (int): The index at which to start the search end (int): The index at which to end the search Returns: int: The index of the first element of sub Raises: ValueError: If sub isn't a subsequence TypeError: If sub isn't iterable IndexError: If start or end are out of range """ start_index = self.index(sub[0], start, end) end = self._fix_end_index(end) if start_index + len(sub) > end: raise ValueError for i in range(1, len(sub)): if sub[i] != self[start_index + i]: raise ValueError return start_index
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of the setlist.""" return self.__class__(self)
[docs]class setlist(SetList, MutableSequence, MutableSet): """A mutable (unhashable) setlist. .. automethod:: __init__ """ def __str__(self): return '{[%s}]' % ', '.join(repr(v) for v in self) # Helper methods def _delete_all(self, elems_to_delete, raise_errors): indices_to_delete = set() for elem in elems_to_delete: try: elem_index = self._dict[elem] except KeyError: if raise_errors: raise ValueError('Passed values contain elements not in self') else: if elem_index in indices_to_delete: if raise_errors: raise ValueError('Passed vales contain duplicates') indices_to_delete.add(elem_index) self._delete_values_by_index(indices_to_delete) def _delete_values_by_index(self, indices_to_delete): deleted_count = 0 for i, elem in enumerate(self._list): if i in indices_to_delete: deleted_count += 1 del self._dict[elem] else: new_index = i - deleted_count self._list[new_index] = elem self._dict[elem] = new_index # Now remove deleted_count items from the end of the list if deleted_count: self._list = self._list[:-deleted_count] # Set/Sequence agnostic
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1): """Remove and return the item at index.""" value = self._list.pop(index) del self._dict[value] return value
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all elements from self.""" self._dict = dict() self._list = list()
# Implement MutableSequence def __setitem__(self, index, value): if isinstance(index, slice): old_values = self[index] for v in value: if v in self and v not in old_values: raise ValueError self._list[index] = value self._dict = {} for i, v in enumerate(self._list): self._dict[v] = i else: index = self._fix_neg_index(index) old_value = self._list[index] if value in self: if value == old_value: return else: raise ValueError del self._dict[old_value] self._list[index] = value self._dict[value] = index def __delitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): indices_to_delete = set(self.index(e) for e in self._list[index]) self._delete_values_by_index(indices_to_delete) else: index = self._fix_neg_index(index) value = self._list[index] del self._dict[value] for elem in self._list[index + 1:]: self._dict[elem] -= 1 del self._list[index]
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): """Insert value at index. Args: index (int): Index to insert value at value: Value to insert Raises: ValueError: If value already in self IndexError: If start or end are out of range """ if value in self: raise ValueError index = self._fix_neg_index(index) self._dict[value] = index for elem in self._list[index:]: self._dict[elem] += 1 self._list.insert(index, value)
[docs] def append(self, value): """Append value to the end. Args: value: Value to append Raises: ValueError: If value alread in self TypeError: If value isn't hashable """ self._append(value)
[docs] def extend(self, values): """Append all values to the end. If any of the values are present, ValueError will be raised and none of the values will be appended. Args: values (Iterable): Values to append Raises: ValueError: If any values are already present or there are duplicates in the passed values. TypeError: If any of the values aren't hashable. """ self._extend(values)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, values): """Add all values to the end of self. Args: values (Iterable): Values to append Raises: ValueError: If any values are already present """ self._check_type(values, '+=') self.extend(values) return self
[docs] def remove(self, value): """Remove value from self. Args: value: Element to remove from self Raises: ValueError: if element is already present """ try: index = self._dict[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Value "%s" is not present.') else: del self[index]
[docs] def remove_all(self, elems_to_delete): """Remove all elements from elems_to_delete, raises ValueErrors. See Also: discard_all Args: elems_to_delete (Iterable): Elements to remove. Raises: ValueError: If the count of any element is greater in elems_to_delete than self. TypeError: If any of the values aren't hashable. """ self._delete_all(elems_to_delete, raise_errors=True)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Reverse the setlist in-place.""" self._list.reverse() for index, item in enumerate(self._list): self._dict[item] = index
# Implement MutableSet
[docs] def add(self, item): """Add an item. Note: This does not raise a ValueError for an already present value like append does. This is to match the behavior of set.add Args: item: Item to add Raises: TypeError: If item isn't hashable. """ self._add(item)
[docs] def update(self, values): """Add all values to the end. If any of the values are present, silently ignore them (as opposed to extend which raises an Error). See also: extend Args: values (Iterable): Values to add Raises: TypeError: If any of the values are unhashable. """ self._update(values)
[docs] def discard_all(self, elems_to_delete): """Discard all the elements from elems_to_delete. This is much faster than removing them one by one. This runs in O(len(self) + len(elems_to_delete)) Args: elems_to_delete (Iterable): Elements to discard. Raises: TypeError: If any of the values aren't hashable. """ self._delete_all(elems_to_delete, raise_errors=False)
[docs] def discard(self, value): """Discard an item. Note: This does not raise a ValueError for a missing value like remove does. This matches the behavior of set.discard """ try: self.remove(value) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def difference_update(self, other): """Update self to include only the difference with other.""" other = set(other) indices_to_delete = set() for i, elem in enumerate(self): if elem in other: indices_to_delete.add(i) if indices_to_delete: self._delete_values_by_index(indices_to_delete)
[docs] def intersection_update(self, other): """Update self to include only the intersection with other.""" other = set(other) indices_to_delete = set() for i, elem in enumerate(self): if elem not in other: indices_to_delete.add(i) if indices_to_delete: self._delete_values_by_index(indices_to_delete)
[docs] def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): """Update self to include only the symmetric difference with other.""" other = setlist(other) indices_to_delete = set() for i, item in enumerate(self): if item in other: indices_to_delete.add(i) for item in other: self.add(item) self._delete_values_by_index(indices_to_delete)
def __isub__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '-=') self.difference_update(other) return self def __iand__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '&=') self.intersection_update(other) return self def __ior__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '|=') self.update(other) return self def __ixor__(self, other): self._check_type(other, '^=') self.symmetric_difference_update(other) return self # New methods
[docs] def shuffle(self, random=None): """Shuffle all of the elements in self in place. Args: random: A function returning a random float in [0.0, 1.0). If none is passed, the default from `random.shuffle` will be used. """ random_.shuffle(self._list, random=random) for i, elem in enumerate(self._list): self._dict[elem] = i
[docs] def sort(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sort this setlist in place.""" self._list.sort(*args, **kwargs) for index, value in enumerate(self._list): self._dict[value] = index
[docs] def swap(self, i, j): """Swap the values at indices i & j. .. versionadded:: 1.0.3 """ i = self._fix_neg_index(i) j = self._fix_neg_index(j) self._list[i], self._list[j] = self._list[j], self._list[i] self._dict[self._list[i]] = i self._dict[self._list[j]] = j
[docs]class frozensetlist(SetList, Hashable): """An immutable (hashable) setlist. .. automethod:: __init__ """ def __hash__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_hash_value'): self._hash_value = _util.hash_iterable(self) return self._hash_value