.. currentmodule:: collections_extended Collection Factory ================== `collections_extended` also provides a collection factory. Combining Python's standard collections with bags and setlists allows you to create a collection with any combination of ordered, unique and mutable. ================================================= ======= ======= ====== Collection Mutable Ordered Unique ================================================= ======= ======= ====== :class:`list` ✔ ✔ :class:`tuple` ✔ :class:`set` ✔ ✔ :class:`frozenset` ✔ :class:`bag` ✔ :class:`frozen_bag` :class:`setlist` ✔ ✔ ✔ :class:`frozensetlist` ✔ ✔ ================================================= ======= ======= ====== API --- .. autofunction:: collections_extended.collection Collection abstract base class from :mod:`collections.abc` for Python >= 3.6 and backported to < 3.6